Life of a Dog on the Rez

"I Let the Spirits Create the Song." - My Interview with G. Precious

Michael Garcia Episode 23

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On today’s episode, I am super excited to bring you my first official interview request. One day, as I was minding my own business, I got a DM from a fan who gave the show a score of 10 war cries. Side note; the war cry scale is based on a 1 to 10 rating. 1 representing, a noble but mousy war cry and 10 representing, a war cry heard after a Northern Cree intertribal. The fan told me she had a cousin who is a hiphop artist, from the Pueblo of Okay Owenghe, a great inspiration to her people and has the best Rez stories.  Well, I didn’t need any more convincing, I got her contact info, did the interview, and today, I am blessed and honored to bring you, my conversation with G Precious. I'll let G fill you in on her upbringing, educational journey, passions, and love for music. Sit back, relax, order up Uber Eats, aka your cousin selling Indian tacos and Piccadillies out her kitchen window and will deliver for free if you help her bake bread for the next Pueblo feast. Enjoy my conversation with G Precious.

Today's intro and outro music  comes off the Eclectic CD, by G Precious. With unmatched lyrics, and deep connections to her people, G spins her beautiful Tewa language with modern hiphop.
Please visit her website,
for a complete listing of all her amazing, rez rocking music. 
You can also find her on most music platforms.